Nyle Wolfe Dip RAM LRAM MISM offers Singing lessons online in various vocal styles and cater to all levels of experience.
Mr Wolfe is a qualified singing teacher available for Singing lessons Online or in person at his Singing Lessons Limerick and Tipperary studio. He offers a depth and range of expertise.
He will cover every area of the singing profession. Through fun and careful training in vocal technique and language tuition, Nyle will fully prepare singing students for hobby, exam and indeed music industry careers.
He has trained and advised very successful singers with his passion and dedication. Students who wish to improve their vocal range and ability can study singing lessons online via Skype or Zoom. The studio offers contemporary singing lessons as well as Opera singer classes
Singing Lessons Online
Individual artistic development, self-confidence, presentation skills and personal development are some of Nyle’s goals and are key to your vocal success.
Nyle’s Singing lessons online will thoroughly prepare students for vocal exams and local singing competitions.
The choice of primary focus can be selected between opera, music theatre, concert and or popular song singing. The singing lessons will enable students to deal with the voice and body in a manner appropriate to the individual musical style. Over time all students will build a solid vocal foundation to ensure life long vocal health and well-being.
Call 0879444010 for more information.
Nyle is a member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians